Judicial Council for Territorial Court Judges

Role of the Council

The Judicial Council for Territorial Court Judges is established under s. 31(1) of the Territorial Court Act, RSNWT 1988, c T-2. Its purpose is to investigate complaints about the incapacity or misconduct of judges appointed to the Territorial Court.

Where appropriate, the Council may warn, reprimand, or suspend the judge, or recommend to the Minister of Justice that a judge be removed from office.

Please note the Council does not have the power to do any of the following:

  • overturn (or change) a judge’s decision;
  • grant appeals or new trials;
  • compensate individuals;
  • look into general complaints about the courts or the judicial system as a whole;
  • investigate complaints about unnamed judges;
  • investigate complaints about lawyers or court employees; or
  • investigate complaints about judges of the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories.

Current membership of the Judicial Council for Territorial Judges can be found here.

The Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Council for Territorial Judges can be found here.

Making a Complaint

Complaints to the Council must be in writing. Council members will not discuss complaints over the telephone. Anonymous complaints are not accepted.

There is no specific form for the complaint. The complaint should include: your name and address; the name of the judge and the date of the alleged misconduct; and a detailed description of the alleged misconduct.

Mail complaints to:

Judicial Council for Territorial Judges
PO Box 550
X1A 2N4


Decision on Jurisdiction 3 November 2023

Notices and Documents

Amended Amended Notice of Hearing


Pre-Hearing Conference Report 20 Feb 2023

Notice of Change of Venue for Hearing 31 Mar 2023

Notice of Special Sitting May 4, 2023

Notice of Adjournment and New Hearing Dates 5 May 2023

Notice of Cancellation of Preliminary Motions Hearing Date


Excerpt transcript of Decision, 26 October 2022

Excerpt transcript of Decision on application for standing and funding for the Complainant, 16 January 2023

Excerpt transcript of Decision on application for adjournment, 16 January 2023

Excerpt transcript of Decision on Request for Standing, 20 February 2023

Excerpt transcript of Decision on application for adjournment, 4 May 2023

Information for the media

Directive for Media and the Use of Electronic Devices

Media inquiries can be made to jctjmediainquiries@nwtcourts.ca

The list of matters set before the Courts of the Northwest Territories by location and date.